Zana the Brave!

Zana The Brave
Zana the Brave is the first in a series of children’s books, which captures the adventures of a bright little girl who uses creative and curious methods to combat bullying and fat shaming. This first book introduces children to our series’ main character, Zana, and reveals how she earned her cape and the title, Zana the Brave. The book’s rhyming sequences makes Zana’s powerful accounts detailing her experiences easy and compelling to read.

Send Zana your BRAVE MAIL!
Zana loves to read about how her Brave Team made others smile or helped to stop someone from being bullied. What have you done to encourage positive change? Email us, and we may share your story on The Brave Page. Send stories to

The Author's Dedication
I dedicate Zana the Brave to all of the bullied little girls hanging in there in the midst of ridicule. This book is dedicated to the bullied little girl that lives within me and the little girls living within many women who endure and may still be in the process of overcoming fat shaming, body shaming and other forms of bullying specific to women. Most importantly, I dedicate the book to my future daughter of whom I have dreamed since I was a child and to the memory of my beloved brother looking down on me from Heaven, Vincent Allen, Sr.
Photo by: Shamecka Nelson
Preview the Book
A short preview of Zana The Brave is available on the Preview "Zana The Brave" page.